Key aspects of tension in instrumental playing

Most of players describe playing discomfort as tension. They associate the tension within motional blocks, hardly coordinated hands, pains, stress, frustration, expressional limit and lack of joy. Players even feel demotivation or even disgust to practice, because they are already in tension before real work starts. They are more or less afraid of their performances, because they lack of self-control within their own body-mind system. This tension is of course not only of physiological basis, but also psychical. These outcomes usually have more roots and the origin may vary for particular players, but in the end, they influence each other and tend to regression. We need to consider them always as psychosomatic. How does our playing become over-tense?  We will focus on perspectives within playing itself: Lack of awareness to…
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Embodied Instrumental Playing

Introduction to Instrumental Playing through Laban/Barteineff Movement Studies Music is simply an audible manifestation of human motion happening through musical instrument. It raises from body motion and its sensory motor functions. Motion is not a part of instrumental playing, it is a basis of it.  We need to consider that sound is mechanical waving that starts with motional impulse. Like finger-flicking to a row of domino pieces, our particular touch on instrument sets the chaining of sound with particular qualities, such as articulation, dynamics, spatial factor and even emotional print. It carries our tension or motional freedom further to the ear of a listener. Our music may be organic, lively, breathing, but also very tense, bound, narrowed and frightened. The tones become our prolonged body. Our music is as such…
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SELF-CONFIDENCE III. Self-Support and Power of Words.

A time of school exams is just coming so it worths talking a bit more about self-support! In some point f view, our minds are working as machines programmed partly by our own words, expectations and also by our own words we say about ourselves. Our minds process everything we say, therefore being disgraceful to ourselves can cause decrease of our self-confidence and making mistakes much! there are many outer aspects that influence our well being, but our own mindset is partly n our hands. We cannot choose outer aspects but we can make a complementary balance from inside us and this is our issue now! Our inner words and sentences we say to ourselves work basically as commands to our minds. I guess you know this very well -…
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CONSCIOUS Release. Face and Jaws.

In previous article, we have learned easy exercise for self-leaded release of the whole body. Today, we will focus on face and jaws, because these cause many problems to many players - especially violinists, but also other instrumentalists put their tension and stress into face muscles... Everybody has own bodily area which tends to be in tension regularly. In many cases, this area is face. We use mimicry as communicational tool and it also appears as unconscious reaction. This is natural! The problem comes when we are not aware of the tension, stuck mimicry reactions within our face or even the jaws pressure, which keeps the stress or the character of previous reaction within us. Then, even when the stressor disappears, the stress stays conserved in our mimic muscles and…
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SELF-CONFIDENCE II. Self-reflection as improvement strategy.

We already found out that our self-confidence is about consciousness and self-awareness much. In this article, I will provide you couple of further suggestions of how to get deeper in your consciousness, particularly how to bring positive change. Searching for basis of our problems and their solution is much about words and our ability to define our states. Only when defined precisely, truly effective strategies of problem solving can follow. Therefore, suggested activities in this article will be about word definitions much. Let’s start! Generally: Take a paper and pen. Split the paper to four columns. Write down the headings to your columns as written in the following table: weak points, don't like on myself, unfunctionalsynonymantonym, functionalhow to get to antonym? strategies of change, what can I do to make antonym from synonym? In…
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Self-confidence is a deal of many students of instrumental playing. How to trust ourselves to give as good performance as possible, make less mistakes, enjoy our playing? How much "self-confidence" is enough to stay objective to ourselves but support ourselves enough? We are often very critical to ourselves, such as our surroundings together with teachers and parents is. We push ourselves down. Or we calm ourselves down about being good despite we know that it is not true. Both is wrong. Within this blog, we will discuss the topic from more points of view and apply it on our praxis, practice and performance. At the very beginning, try following simple exercise: Take a paper and pen. Divide the paper into two parts. Within one half, write down all characteristics and…
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Psychohygiene. LEAD your release!

In this article, I will show you one simple and very refreshing psycho-hygiene technique. It will bring you release and help you be aware of the difference between tension and release. Sometimes, over-using some body part and being in permanent tension causes our disability to even feel the relaxed state within that part, because tension became "normal" form this part, although it may cause many problems in particular instrumental technique, tiredness and discomfort. This tension may not come just from overplaying, much physical work or one-sided motions that come with particular technique practice, but also from stress and anxiety. We sometimes compensate our stress reactions by bodily tension in some parts of the body. One simple example, imagine some person you are afraid of or a place bound with stress…
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To be effective, you should be aware first, how does the learning process in your brain look like. Let’s take it absolutely simple! Your brain is making notes of what you are doing. Take a paper and narrow pencil and try to draw a circle. Then try to tighten it couple of times. How many times do you practice the same spot? Take as many circles! Try another circle, in different tempo, of different size and do the same. Then look at the circles. How precise is your circle? How much were you able to keep the exact trajectory? How much did you concentrate?  Similar way, your brain records your learning process within some spot. It joins particular cells, which involve in action within the spot, and make a “neuronal circuit”…
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BREATH. Basic integration to instrumental playing.

In the last article about breathing, you got couple of suggestions how to train your breathing. How to use breath for release and within instrumental playing? First, try following exercise for release. It is not difficult, but it depends very much on your focus. Release of your back. Lie down on your belly comfortable way, put your head on one of your ears, if you feel to, bend your knee or even your hand, just get to the most comfortable and relaxed state.  Close your eyes and start breathing.  Then start breathing to particular parts around your spine. Start at the coccyx part and continue upright. Concentrate on the part around coccyx and start sending your breath to this area. If you manage, you will feel how the part is…
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BREATH. A basis of your release!

Breath is a basis of our lives. No breath - no life. If we don't breathe well, our brains and tissues don't get enough energy to function properly. Breath brings space and release to our bodies, new energy and awakes our mental awareness. Additionally, due to breathing muscle diaphragm, breathing supports function of the core - a center of our body which enables us to keep our posture vertical and flexible. Breath is happening automatically in our bodies, still it is life process reacting on everything that happen inside and around you. Breath mirrors our emotions, stress and fear as well as relaxed state and satisfaction.If we don't feel well, our way of breathing will reveal it. Contrary, we can influence our feelings by breathing coordination. We can influence our…
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