SELF-CONFIDENCE II. Self-reflection as improvement strategy.

We already found out that our self-confidence is about consciousness and self-awareness much. In this article, I will provide you couple of further suggestions of how to get deeper in your consciousness, particularly how to bring positive change. Searching for basis of our problems and their solution is much about words and our ability to define our states. Only when defined precisely, truly effective strategies of problem solving can follow. Therefore, suggested activities in this article will be about word definitions much. Let’s start! Generally: Take a paper and pen. Split the paper to four columns. Write down the headings to your columns as written in the following table: weak points, don't like on myself, unfunctionalsynonymantonym, functionalhow to get to antonym? strategies of change, what can I do to make antonym from synonym? In…
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Self-confidence is a deal of many students of instrumental playing. How to trust ourselves to give as good performance as possible, make less mistakes, enjoy our playing? How much "self-confidence" is enough to stay objective to ourselves but support ourselves enough? We are often very critical to ourselves, such as our surroundings together with teachers and parents is. We push ourselves down. Or we calm ourselves down about being good despite we know that it is not true. Both is wrong. Within this blog, we will discuss the topic from more points of view and apply it on our praxis, practice and performance. At the very beginning, try following simple exercise: Take a paper and pen. Divide the paper into two parts. Within one half, write down all characteristics and…
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